Markers & Monuments Tour
Monuments are mini time capsules revealing what was, and often what continues to be, important to a community. From war veterans to garden clubs, leading families to a favorite newspaper editor, and a dose of Civil War history deemed important to our founding veterans; Fitzgerald’s monuments reveal tantalizing snippets of who we were and who we are.
Want to know who Mother Enterprise was? How about the Sultana? Need a quick capsule on Fitzgerald’s founding. It’s all there and more on our Markers and Monuments Tour. The markers and monuments were built from granitoid, a type of cement stone building material which was produced in Fitzgerald from around the turn of the century to 1915 by the Fitzgerald Granitoid Company. Nearly 50 structures built of Granitoid still exist. Many of them close by in town. Take the Granitoid Structures Tour to learn more. The Markers & Monuments Tour is available as a free self-guided tour or, if you prefer, a guided tour (fees apply) can be arranged by submitting the "Arrange a Guided Tour" form on this page. |