Responsibilities: Chief Finance Officer handles overall administration of the Finance Department and coordinates all financial activities, such as monthly financial reports, budgeting process, auditing process, annual financial reporting and all other financial activity.
Christina Justice Chief Finance Officer
(229) 426-5060 (office) (229) 426-5066 (fax)
Assistant CFO/HR Director
Responsibilities: Assist the Chief Finance Officer with the responsibilities associated with all financial activities and daily accounting and bookkeeping tasks, reconciliation of accounts, processing of receivable and payables on numerous funds and other daily financial activity. The Assistant CFO also serves as the Human Resources Director.
Shalanda Ferguson Assistant Chief Finance Officer
(229) 426-5060 (office) (229) 426-5066 (fax)
Accounts Payable Clerk
Responsibilities: Responsible for processing payments and controls expenses by receiving, processing, verifying and reconciling invoices for all City departments.
Tiffany Hulett Accounts Payable Clerk
(229) 426-5060 (office) (229) 426-5066 (fax)
Payroll/Insurance Clerk
Responsibilities: Performs duties in preparation of payroll, including required tax deductions and reports. Assigns monthly deductions in connection with insurance and prepares required monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
Rebecca Oellerich Payroll/Insurance Clerk
(229) 426-5060 (office) (229) 426-5066 (fax)
Responsibilities: This position is responsible for greeting customers and visitors, answering telephone calls and delivering messages, assisting customers via telephone, email, or in-person, processing incoming and outgoing mail, taking payments and balancing a cash drawer, managing inventory, filing, and other office administrative duties.
Heather Brown Receptionist (229) 426-5060 (office) (229) 426-5066 (fax)
City of Fitzgerald Finance Department 302 East Central Avenue Fitzgerald, Ga 31750